Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 1.0 or greater within 400 mi
Update time = Sat, 27-Apr-2024 04:21:57 CDT

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
8 km SSE of Doyline, Louisiana 2.7 000600373 mi 1714159055Fri, 26-Apr-2024 14:17:35 CDT map
4 km ESE of Howardville, Missouri 1.6 000162101 mi 1713890625Tue, 23-Apr-2024 11:43:45 CDT map
3 km ESE of Etowah, Tennessee 2.0 000331206 mi 1713861925Tue, 23-Apr-2024 03:45:25 CDT map
1 km WSW of Mill Creek, Illinois 2.1 000213133 mi 1713775953Mon, 22-Apr-2024 03:52:33 CDT map
4 km ESE of Matthews, Missouri 2.4 000176109 mi 1713713638Sun, 21-Apr-2024 10:33:58 CDT map
11 km SW of Dalton, Georgia 2.1 000299186 mi 1713695397Sun, 21-Apr-2024 05:29:57 CDT map

6 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.